Investment facilitation at Solada Group Inc. is designed to attract foreign investment and maximise the effectiveness and efficiency through all stages of the investment cycle.
Solada Group Inc. provides investment opportunities with the aim of bringing and working with foreign investors and strategic alliance partners on infrastructural development projects in africa.
Through our world-class corporate services, executive development and trade facilitation capabilities, Solada Group Inc. accelerates international business and trade for our clients looking to expand into global markets.
We are constantly looking for new ideas, opportunities and partnerships.
The oil and gas sector plays a significant role in meeting the energy needs of Africa.
All Minerals are sourced from highly trusted suppliers. All products are available at highly competitive prices and are offered on FOB, CIF, CFR or CNF terms.
Involves the exploration and development of oil or gas reserves, oil and gas drilling, and refining.
One of the most important directions of our company is the trade of gold and diamond.
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